IKATan mesra, gembira bersama. Warm smiles with our icy treats.

Terms & Conditions

Your use of this site constitutes your acceptance of the following Usage Agreement. Please read it carefully.

Be sure to check this page periodically for updates, as your continued use of the site signifies your acceptance of any changed items.

This terms and conditions govern the usage of the aiskrimikat.com website between the users and Big Why Enterprise / IKAT™. By using the site and any of its applications, you agree to the Terms and Conditions therein.



1. Privacy Policy

Collected Information

We collect information that is needed for the registration procedure at our website. The information that we collected are voluntarily submitted by the customers to us. We collect customer's personal information during the account registration on our site. If you have any comments or suggestions, we would be pleased to receive them at our address or by emailing us at bigwhyenterprise@gmail.com



We will apply appropriate security application in order to prevent the leaking of customer’s personal identification details from third parties, illegal disclosure and hackers.


Your personal information such as credit card details, bank account numbers will be kept secret and confidential with us to any third party. We will never share any of your personal contents without your permission. 


Changes to our Privacy Policy

Big Why Enterprise have the rights to do any changes/updates to the Privacy Policy contents without giving prior notice to the customers.


Complaints about breaches of privacy

We are always pleased to hear from our customers. If you are not satisfied with any way we handle an enquiry or complaint, please don't hesitate to contact us at bigwhyenterprise@gmail.com



2. Content

2.1 Use of Content
You may not replicate or in any way forge any of the applications and media found on the aiskrimikat.com website, videos or product images without the consent from Big Why Enterprise. You are however allowed to refer these media on another, given that it is unaltered and credited from Big Why Enterprise or IKAT™.

2.2 Copyrights
The media used in the aiskrimikat.com website including images, templates and videos are the sole proprietary of Big Why Enterprise. Any attempts of claiming the content as your own will subject to copyright infringement.

2.3 Trademarks
IKAT™ and aiskrimikat.com are registered trademarks under Big Why Enterprise.



3. Services

Big Why Enterprise, IKAT™ and aiskrimikat.com reserves the right to terminate their services when the corresponding individual is found to be involved in an abuse or misuse of their services.



4. Disclaimer

4.1 Accuracy and Discrepancy of Information
Contents found on the aiskrimikat.com website may contain discrepancies of information on products or its services. Should you encounter them, please verify with Big Why Enterprise.

4.2 Terms of Use
Services by Big Why Enterprise and aiskrimikat.com complies with the Terms and Conditions as provided therein. We reserve the rights to change the Terms and Conditions at any given time.

4.3 Disclaimer:
Except as otherwise expressly stated with respect to our products, all contents of the site are offered on an "as is" basis without any warranty whatsoever either express or implied. Big Why Enterprise makes no representations, express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement.

4.4 Disclaimer 2:
Big Why Enterprise does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in this web site in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. While we make reasonable efforts to provide accurate and timely information about Big Why Enterprise on this site, you should not assume that the information provided is always up to date or that this site contains all the relevant information available about Big Why Enterprise or IKAT™. Big Why Enterprise undertakes no obligation to verify or maintain the currency of such information.



5. You may not use the aiskrimikat.com website for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by this agreement, or cause damage on or through the aiskrimikat.com website.