IKATan mesra, gembira bersama. Warm smiles with our icy treats.

Delivery Information

  1. We deliver through third-party delivery service eg. Lalamove, Grab, etc.
  2. All confirmed orders will be delivered within 1-3 working days' time.
  3. Delivery locations are within a 10-km radius either from our HQ or retail partners (please refer to IKAT Locator page). Should your address fall outside the delivery radius, we will contact you by call / WhatsApp to inform you of the excess delivery fee to be paid.
  4. Kindly take note that all orders via our website does not include a coldbox(es) which can however be provided at a cost. Should you require one, kindly contact Ashraf at 019-2876920 prior to making your order via the website.